論文がScientific Reports誌に採択されました

博士課程2回生のAnuradhi Bandaraさんの論文「Diurnal variations in gait parameters among older adults with early-stage knee osteoarthritis: insights from wearable sensor technology」がScientific Reports誌に採択されました。

PhD student Anuradhi Bandara’s paper ‘Diurnal variations in gait parameters among older adults with early-stage knee osteoarthritis: insights from wearable sensor technology’ has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.
Patients with knee OA often say they are more painful in the evening than in the morning, but it has not been clear how their gait changes. In this paper, Arrowg in-shoe sensor developed by NEC was used to determine the changes in gait over the course of a day in people with early OA.